Sunday, November 22, 2009

Owen's Castle

Owen is a great builder. Here is Saturday's castle.


  1. Owen,
    This is Nancy Doda. I just adore your castle and so hope I get to visit so I can help you build something else that you dream to build. I will send you a photo very soon. Christmas is must be getting very excited! I am.

  2. Dear Owen,

    I will try again to write something here. You seem like someone who is a lot of fun to play with. Even though I am kind of old - 55 - I still love to play. You can never be too old to play pretend. I think it is lots more fun than being serious and grown-up-acting!!

    I would love to see your rain stick. I know it sounds beautiful - just like rain. I have one too, that my daughter, Natalya, made when she was younger. It sounds beautiful.

    Have a lot of fun today, Owen!!

    Love -
    Your Cousin (3 times removed),
